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Acupuncture is a medical therapy and electro acupuncture involves the use of different various equipment for it to be accomplished. The revolution in the art of especially the electro acupuncture has seen a great increase in the number of acupuncture equipment that are in use. The introduction of new acupuncture techniques and the continuous growth in technological advancements are the major reasons as to why electro acupuncture treatments have increased. Nevertheless, it is these equipment that have brought such a remarkable influence of acupuncture in the modern world by enhancing the effectiveness of acupuncture.


Acupuncture equipment can be categorized into different groups. One of it been the electrical and the non electrical acupuncture equipment. The other categorization of the acupuncture equipment are the informative or educative acupuncture equipment.


The electro acupuncture treatments sometimes complemented by TDP lamps which are far infrared emitting lamps used in thermal therapeutic treatment. This equipment produces elements that are essential in the body of a human. Other electrical devices include the massage tools used in acupuncture. These acupuncture equipment help in the achieving of a relaxing effect to the acupuncture patient and help in relieving fatigue. There are also the ion pumping devices and electrical point finders.


These equipment generally populate majority of the acupuncture equipment used in acupuncture. They range from different types. The most common of these acupuncture equipment are the acupuncture needles. The acupuncture needles come in different sizes and types. Each specifically tailored to serve a particular function in acupuncture.
There are also the Chinese cuppings which are glass or bamboo jar like equipment used in acupuncture. Although in recent cases there has been the advent of jars that use electrical operated pumps in achieving suction in, majority of the jars remain to be operated manually.
There are also other varieties of non electric acupuncture equipment such as the sterilizing equipment, kinesiology tapes, moxa sticks, disposing bins and the glass inspirators.


These are very vital tools in the carrying out of acupuncture. It is these electro acupuncture equipment that offer knowledge on the methods used in acupuncture, advancements in the field of acupuncture and also provide knowledge to the practitioner on thre proper carrying out of acupuncture activity. These acupuncture equipment include the DVDS, acupuncture magazines, acupuncture tutorials, the acupuncture models and charts and also the courses and training offered in acupuncture.


When making a selection of the electro acupuncture equipment that you want to use, it is very important to put the following considerations into place. One of the considerations been, purchasing the equipment from a registered and genuine supplier. This reduces any risk that one may encounter during the handling of the equipment. Also due to the sophistication of use of most of the common acupuncture equipment that are in use currently, one is advice to ensure that while undergoing an acupuncture therapy, he/she is attended by a properly trained and qualified acupuncturist with the knowledge of handling the acupuncture equipment.